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90 jobs in Taiwan

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Taipei & Beijing, Taiwan

Reference: GC862035

Posted on: 6/6/2024

Job type: Permanent

Title : Plant Manager (Mobile ME)  Location: Beijing  Job Description:  負責整個工廠的運營管理,包括生產、質量控制、物流和維護,確保工廠的日常運作順利進行。 制定並實施生產計劃,確保按時完成生產任務並達到質量標準。 管理和監督1,000-2,000名員工,確保團隊合作及員工的高效工作。 負責工廠的盈虧(P&L)管理,確保實現財務目標並最大化利潤。 監控和分析生產數據,持續改進生產流程,提高生產效率和產品質量。 確保工廠符合所有安全、健康和環保法規,維護良好的工作環境。 與其他部門協作,如採購、銷售和人力資源,確...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC861933

Posted on: 6/4/2024

Salary: TWD 100 - 1,5K per year

Job type: Permanent

Responsibilities: 1. Familiar with Kotlin, mainly responsible for Android app program development, program code writing and debugging, and system maintenance/operation file production. 2. I hope to be in a team where people in the same field can communicate, grow, and encourage each other. 3. Assist in deve...

Tainan, Taiwan

Reference: GC861928

Posted on: 6/4/2024

Job type: Permanent

我們客戶是一家台商上市公司,總部設於美國加州矽谷,我們致力於為多元客戶開發可靠的互連解決方案,成為可信賴的供應商。提供關鍵元件、線束及電纜線予多元產業,產品及服務擴及資訊科技基礎設施、用戶端周邊設備、光通訊、電信網絡、電器、醫療保健、工廠自動化、機械與感測、汽車產業、軌道車輛、船舶暨海洋產業、工業產業、太陽能等。我們的目標是讓互連變得更簡易,並成為全球互連解決方案可領導供應商。 Title: 工程、製造及工具製造中心主管 (高精密背板與連接器) Location: 台灣台南。 要求: 至少15年在高精密注塑成型以及高速背板和連接器的高精密沖壓和工具工程與製造中心管理方面的經驗...

Homebased / remote working

Reference: GC861032

Posted on: 5/30/2024

Salary: TWD 100 - 2,5K per year

Job type: Permanent

As an iOS App Engineer, you will be integral to our development team, focusing on crafting, developing, and optimizing premier mobile applications for iOS platforms. We are seeking for a creative, skilled individual who thrives in a fast-paced environment and is passionate about building user-friendly, high-perfor...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC855150

Posted on: 5/27/2024

Job type: Permanent

Responsibilities and Key Functions: Develop BMC Firmware, encompassing design, coding, debugging, and leveraging knowledge of server hardware architecture and system design. Maintain and troubleshoot existing systems, addressing customer/FAE inquiries and concerns. Analyze BMC firmware specificat...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC861486

Posted on: 5/20/2024

Job type: Permanent

我們客戶是一家前500 大集團客戶, 秉持綠色環保理念與時俱進,在造紙原料方面成功研發生物製漿技術,,減少砍伐森林,大幅降低排碳量,解決傳統化學製漿的污染。 在產品面上取得造紙國際環保認證,積極參與碳足跡盤查。製程方面則積極落實循環再生模式,將生產過程中產生的廢棄物減少,同時將已排放的廢棄物轉變成另一種原料或燃料循環利用,朝零排放及廢棄物資源化綠色目標進步。 職缺: 人資副理或主任 地點: 台北  台灣 工作內容:  1.熟悉HRIS人資系統(明基逐鹿)諮詢窗口,協助問題排除、系統導入及應用、人事表單E化。 2.員工關係活動專案及平台(Line@)活動企劃與推廣。 3.具備5...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC861217

Posted on: 5/8/2024

Job type: Permanent

Our  client is a foreign-funded enterprise specializing in surveillance system and equipment-related businesses, including IP Camera, Vedio Baby Monitor system, Viedo Door Bell...etc.  Position: Oversae Sales Manager  Location: Taipei + US Job Description: • Cultivate robust partnerships with exis...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC835606

Posted on: 5/6/2024

Job type: Permanent

Finance app that helps people make investment decisions.

As a front-end web/app developer, you are responsible for making the web app UI of each product, designing the API with mockups/use case/user journey/story provided by the designer and back-end engineers. You have to participate in APP web view development and also in the campaigns and sales events development. Al...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC860780

Posted on: 4/22/2024

Job type: Permanent

Position: USB-C Sr. Firmware Engineer or Firmware Engineer  Location: Taipei and Hybrid [Job Description]: • USB Type-C、PD相關的嵌入式控制器固件開發 • 與硬體工程師一起進行系統硬體設計 • 在產品與測試單元之間進行USB Type-C、PD相關的分析和除錯 • 參加USB-IF的USB Type-C相關工作組,以熟悉核心技術 • 為產品經理支援產品開發計劃(時間表、會議設計輸入、驗證) [Job Requirement: • 至少5年USB Typ...

Taipei, Taiwan

Reference: GC854105

Posted on: 4/11/2024

Job type: Permanent

[ Company ] This prominent global software developer specializes in advanced location-based social platforms. Our app has a significant user base and billions of video views, consistently ranking among the top performers in short videos and social apps globally and in the United States. People are genuinely intr...