en nl

Our client, a manufacturer of medical equipment is actively seeking an International Account Manager to develop its business by managing a network of 40 international distributors on the german speaking market.


  • Maintain and develop relationships with customers in an assigned portfolio.
  • Acquire new customers through active prospecting in assigned territories.
  • Collaborate with various internal departments (marketing, customer service) to ensure an efficient response to each customer request.
  • Train our partners' sales teams.
  • Participate in conferences.

Ideal profile:

  • Master's degree.
  • Significant sales experience in a similar position.
  • Ability to train and supervise.
  • Natural ability to communicate and build relationships, with good negotiating skills.
  • Ability to spend 30% of your time outside Europe.
  • Fluency in German and English.

If you meet the above profile and wish to apply, please submit your application, which will be handled with the utmost confidentiality

Postuler à l'offre International Account Manager F/M
Référence: BE860834

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International Account Manager F/M
Ath, Hainaut, Belgique | CDI