Posted on: 2024-05-10

Job type: Permanent

Sector: Industry and Manufacturing

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Government inspection center & Emergency operation center

Job Accountabilities职责

1 Strategic Planning
1.1 As an expert with practical experience in emergency management, business continuity management and government inspection management, make an overall plan for the company's crisis and emergency management system, business continuity management system and government inspection management system;
1.2 Propose long-term and short-term strategies or prevention mechanisms to reduce crisis events and government penalties on the basis of data analysis;

2 Crisis/Gov. Inspections Management
2.1 Lead the cross functional efforts to deal with crisis and government inspections and penalties.
2.2 Respond to various levels emergencies and coordinate the response in significant emergency operations.
2.3 Regularly analyze government inspections and crisis events, especially data analysis, find the root causes, and work with the compliance internal teams and other departments to formulate corresponding action plans;
2.4 Assume the responsibilities of directly contacting with government in case of food safety issues and increase their recognitions of WMC’s efforts and leading position of Food Safety and Fresh Quality.
2.5 Provide simplified monthly reports to stakeholders of government inspection trends and our areas of improvements;

3 COVID-19
3.1 Lead the cross-functional efforts to quick response to and deal with COVID-19 related events or crisis.
3.2 Business Continuity Plan Serve as the role of the chair for the emergency operation center for general administration in planning, coordinating, maintaining and updating the Emergency Management Plan including both internal and external event responses. Provide necessary project management and support for all emergencies.
3.3 Conduct the Business Impact Analysis and thus upgrade Business Continuity Plan and execute its Crisis Management Plan and Communication Plan.
3.4 Coordinate and promote the maintenance and updating of business continuity plans of key business departments;

4 Policy & Procedure
4.1 Optimize and streamline the compa


Jacob Chen
+86 755 2583 7585
Morgan Philips
15F-D07, Gemdale Centre, 2007 Shennan Avenue, Futian District
518000 Shenzhen
Greater China

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Apply for Director, GIC & EOC
Reference: GC861189

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